Dr. Roberto

Reyes Ricardez

Dr Roberto Reyea Ricardez was born in the state of Veracruz and raised in Mexico City. His parents both doctors always keep him involved in the medical areas. When his time came he graduated as a Dental Surgeon from the “Universidad Tecnologica de Mexico “

Since his years as a resident, he has focused on dental tissues and prostheses. Years later he became master degree in periodontology ande dental implants at “ Universidad Latinoamericana”

For the past 10 years, Doctor Reyes has managed his private practice in his own dental clinic in Boca del Rio Veracruz being the surgical and restorative the most that enjoy

Member of:

  • AAP American Academy of Periodontology
  • ITI International Team of Implantology
  • OSSEO Academy of Osseointegration
  • AMP Asociación Mexicana de Periodontologia